Chapter 1 New chapter


I stood in front of the mirror, gazing at my reflection with a critical eye. My beige sweatshirt and denim shorts looked comfy and cute, and my brown hair was perfectly set in a ponytail.

I couldn't help but feel a surge of excitement "let's goo" as I raised my hand, only to wince in pain as my fractured hand protested. "Ow, okay, okay, I get it," I muttered, gently lowering my hand.

My right hand was fractured few weeks ago and I had to rest for two weeks huh. I couldn't attend my college and I missed my first day.

It is recovered now but sometimes the pain strikes. But the pain didn't deter me. I twirled around, my eyes sparkling with excitement, only to bump my knee against the dressing table. "Ahh, ouch!" I winced, bending down to rub my sore knee.

Just then, I heard my dad calling out to me. "Niti!"

"Yes dad, coming!" I replied, immediately forgetting my pain as I grabbed my pink suitcase and a bag hurried out of my room.

I descended the stairs, my eyes locking onto my dad's handsome face as he waited for me in the foyer. "Good morning!" I exclaimed, throwing my arms around him in a tight hug.

"Good morning, beta," he replied. "Did you pack all your things?"

I nodded enthusiastically, my ponytail bobbing up and down. "Yes, dad, I've got everything!"

We sat down at the dining table, my mom joining us with a delicious spread of food. I dug in, savoring the flavors and aromas, feeling grateful for this loving family of mine.

"Niti, be friendly with your roommates" she said, adding to the list of instructions.

I nodded, my mouth full of paratha. My dad smiled "We've gone over this, haven't we, Niti? You'll be fine, just stay focused and work hard."

I swallowed, feeling a pang of sadness. I was going to miss this, our daily breakfast routine, my dad dropping me off at college, the familiarity of Delhi. But I was also excited, thrilled to start this new chapter in Mumbai, to experience college life in a new city, to make new friends and learn new things.

"I know, Mom, Dad, I'll be fine," I said, trying to sound confident. "I'm excited, but also a little sad to leave you both behind."

My mom reached out, her hand on mine. "We're always with you, Niti, no matter where you go."

I nodded, feeling a lump form in my throat. My dad put his arm around me, pulling me close. "We're proud of you, beta. You're going to do great things."

We finished breakfast in a comfortable silence, the only sound of the clinking of utensils and the hum of the TV in the background. As we got up to leave, my mom handed me a small bag. "Some homemade snacks for you. And don't forget to call me as soon as you reach Mumbai." I hugged her tight. "I will, Mom"

We sat in the car to leave for the airport. My mind wandered "What if my dorm mates don't like me? What if I'm the only one who's behind in classes?" I thought, my anxiety was spiking.

As we drove to the airport, my mind raced with thoughts of the unknown. But I knew one thing for sure - I was ready to take on this new chapter, no matter what came my way.

As the flight touched down in Mumbai, I felt a thrill of excitement mixed with a hint of nervousness. My dad and I made our way through the airport, collecting our bags and hailing a taxi to take us to the university.

The campus was bustling with students and faculty, and I felt a sense of awe at the sprawling buildings and lush greenery. We made our way to the administration office, where we completed some paperwork and procedures before finally getting my dorm keys. I took the keys from my dad, feeling a sense of independence wash over me. "This is it, Dad," I said, my voice trembling slightly. "I'm really doing this."

My dad smiled and put a reassuring arm around me. "You're going to do great."

We walked to my dorm, and I unlocked the door to find a cozy room with three beds. I felt a pang of excitement at the thought of meeting my roommates.

But for now, the room was empty,  and I set my bags down on the bed, feeling a sense of solitude wash over me. It was time to say goodbye to my dad, and I hugged him tightly, feeling tears prick at the corners of my eyes.

"Thank you, Dad," I whispered. "For everything."

My dad hugged me back, his voice soft in my ear. "Go back to your dorm. Tomorrow is your first day, and you're going to crush it. I love you, beta."

I nodded, feeling a lump form in my throat. "I love you too, Dad."

With one last hug, he was gone, and I was left to start this new chapter of my life.

I reached the dorm. I looked around, taking in the unfamiliar surroundings. Three beds, three desks, and a small common area. It was cozy, but it felt daunting, like I was stepping into a new world.

As I unpacked my bag, my stomach growled, reminding me that I hadn't eaten lunch yet.

I was lost in thought, unpacking my bag and settling into my new space, when the door swung open and two smiling faces greeted me. My roommates!

"Hey, so you finally came!" one of them said, her smile warm and welcoming.

"Yeah, we were wondering when our third roommate would arrive," the other girl added.

I smiled back, feeling a bit more at ease. "Yeah, I'm Nitika. I had a fractured hand and couldn't move in earlier."

Their expressions turned concerned. "Are you okay now?" her brow furrowed.

I nodded, reassuring them. "Yes, I'm fine now. Thanks for asking."

We introduced ourselves, and I learned that the goofy as me is aleena, and the other was bella. They seemed nice, and I felt a sense of relief wash over me.

Just then, my stomach growled loudly, and I rubbed the back of my neck, feeling a bit embarrassed. But to my surprise, they both burst out laughing.

"Hey, let's go get something to eat and show you around campus," aleena suggested.

I agreed, feeling a sense of excitement and gratitude towards my new roommates. We left the dorm together, chatting and laughing, and I knew that this was going to be an amazing journey.

I took a bite of sandwich, savoring the taste. "Are you in relationship or single?" Bella suddenly asked.

"Single and what about you two?" I asked with a chuckle.

"We're single too," bella said, grinning.

Just then, aleena leaned in, a mischievous glint in her eye. "You know, some boys in our class are just damn handsome."

I raised an eyebrow, intrigued. "Oh really?" Aleena nodded, her grin growing wider. "Yes, and one of them is just too hot to handle."

My lips formed an "oh" of surprise, and bella chuckled. "Not only hot but he's so secretive and doesn't spare a glance at girls. Literally, every girl drools over him, even our seniors."

My eyes widened, excitement building up inside me. "Oh my god, now I'm excited to see him!"

Aleena and bella burst out laughing, and we continued chatting and giggling, enjoying our lunch and each other's company. Aleena asked, "What's your Instagram ID, Nitika?"

"nitika_shah," I replied, smiling.

We exchanged IDs and followed each other, and I couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement at connecting with my new roommates on social media. Just then, bella asked, "Nitika, are you into bikers?"

I shook my head, laughing. "Not that much, but I'm obsessed with one account."

"Who's that?"

I grinned, feeling a bit fan-girly. "Only the most amazing biker on Instagram! His skills are insane, and his feed is full of gorgeous bikes and racing shots. I could scroll through his posts all day!"

Aleena and bella exchanged a look, and then aleena asked, "Is he hot?"

I blushed, laughing. "Let's just say he's got a huge following for a reason!"

We all giggled, and I couldn't help but feel grateful for these new friends who shared my passions and interests.

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Author Sakshi

Step into a world of desi romance, where love blooms and hearts soar ✨❤