Chapter 4 Buddhu


I walked into the university campus, feeling refreshed and ready for another day. Aleena and bella went early when I was dozed off. My first day had been a rollercoaster, but I was determined to make the most of my time here. As I headed towards my first class, I spotted a familiar figure leaning against a nearby wall - Avyaan.

Our eyes met. Why did he have to be so annoyingly attractive? I quickened my pace, hoping to avoid him, but he pushed off the wall and fell into step beside me.

"Well, well, well. Look who's trying to avoid me," he said, his voice dripping with amusement. I sighed, rolling my eyes. "What do you want, Avyaan?"

"Oh, I just wanted to see if you'd learned your lesson from yesterday. You know, about not messing with me," he said.

I raised an eyebrow. "Lesson? Please. I'm not afraid of you." What does he think of himself huh! Gadha kahika.

Avyaan chuckled. "We'll see about that. So, what's your plan for today? Trying to impress your professors with your vast knowledge?" I shook my head, smiling sweetly.

"I'm not sure what's more pathetic, your attempts to roast me or your desperate need for attention. Either way, you're not getting a rise out of me."

Avyaan's expression changed for a split second, and I saw a glimmer of impressed surprise in his eyes. But then, his usual smirk returned, and he shrugged nonchalantly. "Don't flatter yourself. You're not even a blip on my radar."


I raised an eyebrow, calling his bluff. "Really? Then why are you still talking to me?"

Avyaan snorted. "Because I'm bored, and you're mildly entertaining. Like a pesky little mosquito that won't quit buzzing around my ear."

I couldn't help but lash out at him, my hand swinging out to hit him on the arm. "You're so mean!" I exclaimed, my eyes flashing with annoyance.

Avyaan pretended to be hurt, clutching his arm in mock pain. "Ow, ow! You're so violent!" he teased.

I rolled my eyes, trying to hide a smile. "You deserved it," I said, crossing my arms over my chest.

"I'm shaking in my boots," he said, his voice dripping with sarcasm.

I shook my head, trying to maintain my annoyance, but it was hard to stay mad at him when he was being so ridiculous. "You're impossible," I muttered, turning away from him.

With that, I sped up, leaving him behind. I could hear his words but I didn't look back.

"I'm not done teasing you yet."

What was it about him that got under my skin? And why did I enjoy our banter so much? I shook my head, chiding myself. Focus, Nitika.

I walked into my next class. But before I could even take my seat, a girl stopped me in the doorway. I looked her, and she was staring at me with an intensity that made me uncomfortable.

"What?" I asked, my tone was a little sharper than I intended.

The girl didn't flinch. "I'll get straight to the point. Are you trying to hit on Avyaan?"

I blinked, taken aback. "Bro, what? Me? Seriously?" I laughed, trying to hide my surprise. "No, I'm not interested in Avyaan. We were just... debating, that's all."

The girl raised an eyebrow. "Debating? That's not what it looked like from where I was standing. You two were practically teasing each other. "

I shook my head, trying to clarify. "it's not like that." Wait why am I even explaining.

The girl studied me for a moment, then seemed to relax. "Okay, just making sure. I'm Sophia, by the way."

Ok whatever. I smiled, trying to be friendly. "Nitika. Nice to meet you, Sophia."

Sophia nodded and walked into the classroom. What was that all about? And why did Sophia care if I was interested in Avyaan or not?

As I took my seat, I'm fifteen minutes early. I wandered where aleena and bella are?

"Hey nitika!" someone called me from behind and i turned.

I turned to face the speaker, and my eyes met a handsome guy with a captivating smile. "Heya," I replied.

Just then, Avyaan walked into the classroom, his eyes fixed on me with a scowl. I rolled my eyes and turned back to the charming stranger. "I'm Nishanth," he introduced himself, extending his hand.

I shook it, my mind racing with the connection. Aleena had mentioned our class president was named Nishanth, and he was handsome. This had to be him!

As we chatted, I noticed Avyaan sitting nearby, his eyes fixed on us with a disapproving gaze. I ignored him, focusing on Nishanth's warm smile. "Why were you absent for two weeks?" he asked.

I explained my fractured hand, and he listened attentively. "You're our class president, right?" I asked, impressed by his kindness.

He nodded. "Yes, and feel free to ask me for notes or any help you need. You missed two weeks, after all."

My heart melted at his thoughtfulness. What a stark contrast to Avyaan's condescending behavior! "Thank you, Class President," I said with a smile.

"Hey, call me Nishanth," he corrected, his eyes crinkling at the corners. "Yeah, yeah, Nishanth," I replied, feeling a sense of ease with him.

Where are bella and aleena? I was about to call Aleena, just then my phone rang. Aleena's name flashed on the screen.

"I'm in class, where are you?" I asked, answering the call.

"Leave the classroom first lecture is cancelled," Aleena said.

"Why? What's going on?" I asked, curiosity piqued. "You didn't see the message on group?" Aleena insisted.

"Okay, where are you? Tell me!" I asked, already heading out of the classroom. "In the library. Come," she said, and the line went dead.

I walked towards the library, lost in thought, when a mocking voice echoed from behind. "Oh, hello, Miss Basic!"

I recognized the tone and turned to face Avyaan, my eyes narrowing. "What now? And my name is Nitika. Can't you call me that?"

He approached me, a sweet smile plastered on his face, and handed me a handkerchief. "You dropped it miss Nikita."

I glared at him "Nitika not Nikita" taking the handkerchief. "Yeah Nikita, Where are your manners? Say 'thank you'!"

So he is doing it purposely.

"I won't."

"I saw you talking with that idiot Nishanth. You were talking sweetly unlike with me, pretending or what?"

My face flushed with annoyance. "Mind your own business, Avyaan. And Nishanth is not an idiot. He's kind and helpful."

Avyaan snorted. "Kind and helpful? Ha! He's just trying to impress you, Nitika. Don't fall for it."

I crossed my arms, my patience wearing thin. "And what's it to you? Jealous that someone is being nice to me?"

Avyaan's smile faltered for a moment, but he quickly recovered. "Jealous? Of Nishanth? Please."

"Okay" I said and turned to walk away from Avyaan's annoying smirk, but my feet seemed to have other plans. I tripped and lost my balance, my arms flailing wildly to regain stability. But before I could face-plant into the ground, a pair of strong hands grasped my waist, holding me steady.

And i felt a flutter in my chest. Weird. I looked up to see Avyaan's smug face inches from mine. "Oh god, you're clumsy af!" he said.

I felt a surge of embarrassment and irritation. "And you're buddhu af huh" I shot back, using a Hindi slang term for "idiot."

He released his grip on my waist, leaving me to steady myself.  I took a deep breath and turned to enter the library, my face still burning with embarrassment. "Thanks for the save, I guess," I muttered over my shoulder, not looking back at him.

As I pushed open the library's door. I heard Avyaan's parting shot: "whatever."

I rolled my eyes and stepped into the library, grateful to escape the chaos that seemed to follow Avyaan everywhere.


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Author Sakshi

Step into a world of desi romance, where love blooms and hearts soar ✨❤