Chapter 6 Partner


I walked into class, expecting a usual day, but my eyes landed on a surprising sight. Nitika was seated on my bench, a sly grin spreading across her face. I was taken aback, wondering why she was sitting there. It must be her plan to annoy me, I thought.

I scanned the room, searching for Karan, but he was nowhere to be found. I considered sitting elsewhere, but Nitika waved me over, her smile growing wider. I hesitated, but something about her expression drew me in. I sat down beside her, my eyes narrowing. "Why are you sitting here?"

She batted her eyelashes, her voice dripping with innocence. "Because your friend is absent, and I thought I'd keep you company so you wouldn't get bored!"

I raised an eyebrow, skeptical. "Why are you acting like this?"

She feigned innocence, her smile unwavering. "I'm not acting like anything!"

But something about that smile did something to me. "Don't smile," I found myself saying, my voice softer than I intended.

"Why?" she asked, her eyes sparkling with mischief.

I sighed, feeling a strange sensation wash over me. Just then, the professor arrived, and we were immersed in a lecture. But Nitika couldn't seem to sit still. She dropped her pen, and I found myself reaching for it, my hand accidentally brushing against her leg. A jolt of electricity ran through me, leaving me feeling awkward and unsure.

What was happening? I couldn't explain the strange sensations coursing through my body. All I knew was that Nitika's presence was causing chaos within me, and I couldn't seem to shake it off.

I tried to focus on the lecture, but Nitika's antics were distracting me. She was fidgeting, her eyes wandering around the room, and she kept glancing behind her. I wondered what was so fascinating back there.

I tried to ignore her, but it was no use. She was like a constant hum in the background, refusing to be ignored. The lecture ended finally.

"Avyaan" nitika gestured for me to come closer. I leaned in, expecting her to whisper something important, but instead, she asked, "Why is Sophia looking at you?"

"How would I know she's the one looking at me ask her!" I said and she replied with ok.

I was lost in my thoughts, wondering why Nitika was sitting with me. I was taken aback, thinking she was going to confess her undying love for me or something. Oh, she fell for me already? Huh no one can escape from my enigmatic charm.

"I need your help" she spoke up again. Oh, so she just wanted my help. "What?" I asked, trying to hide my disappointment.

"Does Karan have a girlfriend?" she asked, her eyes sparkling with excitement.

Oh, she's interested in Karan, not me. "No," I replied, and she let out a squeal of delight, clapping her hands together. "Great!" she exclaimed, her enthusiasm a bit much for me.

"Weirdo," I thought to myself, but she just kept going. "What's his type of girls?" she asked, her eyes shining with curiosity.

I raised an eyebrow, wondering what she was up to. "Why do you want to know?" I asked, trying to sound nonchalant.

But Nitika just grinned, her eyes sparkling with mischief. "Just tell me, Avyaan. I need to know."

I sighed, wondering why I was getting dragged into this. "Fine, he likes girls who are smart and funny, okay?" She nodded enthusiastically. "That's great!  smart and funny"

I rolled my eyes, chuckling despite myself. "I guess so."

She leaned in closer. "So, Avyaan, tell me more about Karan. What's he like?"

"He's a good guy, I guess. We've been friends since childhood."

Nitika's eyes widened, "That's so sweet! Does he have a sense of humor?" I chuckled, remembering Karan's silly jokes. "Yeah, he's hilarious."

Nitika nodded, her grin still in place. "That's great! And what about his interests? What does he like to do?"

I shrugged, wondering where this was going. "He's into sports, I think. And music."

"Perfect! Bella will love that!"

And then it hit me - she wasn't asking for herself, but for Bella. I was confused. "Wait, you're trying to help Bella impress Karan?"

She nodded,"Yes, I'm playing cupid!" I raised an eyebrow, skeptical. "And why are you doing this?"

"Because Bella likes Karan, and I want to help her get her crush!"

I couldn't help but laugh at her antics, shaking my head in disbelief. "Thank you so much" she said with a smile and to which I nodded.



As I sat in class, my mind drifted off during the professor's announcement. But when he mentioned partners being assigned by roll call numbers, my excitement piqued. I exchanged eager glances with my friends, wondering who we'd be paired with.

When the professor left, the room erupted into chatter. Aleena turned to me with a grin. "My roll number is 13, and guess who's with me?" she asked. I played along, asking "Who?"

"Nishanth!" she exclaimed, her voice filled with excitement. Bella chimed in, her face flushing pink. "I'm with Karan."

"Omo really?" Aleena teased her and I couldn't help but joke, "Oh wow, now you got a reason to talk with Karan!" Bella blushed even deeper.

But when Aleena asked who my partner was, my excitement faltered. I shook my head, "I haven't checked yet." Bella quickly scrolled through the list on her phone and announced, "Nitika, it's Avyaan."

I facepalmed myself, feeling frustrated. Of all people, why did it have to be him? I glanced up to see Avyaan smirking at me, and I knew he'd seen the list too. Lately, I'd been feeling weird around him, and now I had to work with him? Great.

Aleena tried to reassure me, but I couldn't shake off the feeling of dread. "Chill, it's just a presentation. You have to work together, but it's not a big deal." I sighed, feeling my luck had run out. "Hmm." I groaned, shaking my head. "Of all people, why Avyaan?"

Just then, Avyaan walked over to our group, his smug grin still plastered on his face. "Hey, partner. Looks like we're stuck together for this project." I forced a smile, trying to hide my frustration. "Lucky me." He chuckled, already dominating the conversation. "I know, right? Let's get started on that presentation. I have some great ideas already."

࣪ ִֶָ☾.

The classroom buzzed with discussion as everyone settled in with respective partners. I gazed at Avyaan, his laptop open in front of us, ready to embark on our research journey. Our professor's words echoed in my mind: "Choose a topic, any topic, and make it interesting."

Nearby, Bella and Karan engaged in a heated discussion, bella's face flushed. I couldn't help but chuckle. Aleena and Nishanth sat across from us, their heads bent together, their fingers typing away in unison.

I scanned the room, observing my classmates engaged in intense discussions with their partners. Avyaan, meanwhile, was engrossed in his laptop, searching for God knows what. My gaze drifted to Sophia, and my eyes widened as I caught her staring at us with an unnerving intensity. It was as if she was plotting her next move, her eyes blazing with a fierce determination.

I felt a shiver run down my spine. "What's wrong with her?" I whispered, my eyes still fixed on Sophia.

Avyaan's ears must have been burning, because he looked up from his laptop, his eyes locking onto mine. "Who?" he asked leaning, his voice low and husky.

I turned to face him, my heart skipping a beat as our faces suddenly became inches apart. I felt a jolt of electricity run through my body, and my words got stuck in my throat. Avyaan's eyes held mine, his gaze piercing and intense.

"Huh, that Sophia," I managed to stammer, my voice barely audible.

Avyaan's gaze lingered on mine for a moment longer, before he turned back to his laptop, his expression unreadable. "Why do you always ask about her? Don't tell me you like her!" he muttered, his focus returning to his screen.

I exhaled slowly, my heart still racing from the unexpected proximity. What was happening to me? And why did Avyaan's nearness make me feel so... unsettled?

Wait what did he say just now? I like her? Bro what the fuck!

"I think she likes you!" I said and he ignored me. "I said she likes you!"

"So?" He said still focused on screen. I think he's not interested, what a relief.

"Nothing forget it" i said with a smile even though he's not looking at me huh.

As the noise level in the classroom continued to rise, Avyaan slammed his laptop shut, a look of frustration on his face. "I can't work in this noise," he said, his voice low and irritated.

I glared at him, my sarcasm meter spiking. "Oh, my poor baby. So what should I arrange for you? A special classroom all to yourself?"

My poor baby? What's wrong with you nitika!  Avyaan's eyes locked onto mine, a hint of a smile playing on his lips. "Come to my place" he said, his voice smooth and nonchalant.

My eyes widened in surprise. "Don't you live in dorms here?" I asked, my tone was incredulous.

Avyaan shook his head. "No, I don't live in the dorms. I have my own flat nearby."

My eyes widened further, my mind racing with the implications. "Oh," I said, my voice barely above a whisper.

He smirks and says "Yeah, you can come to my place. It's quiet, and no one will disturb us"

What does he mean by that i furrowed my eyebrows. "I mean we can work without any distractions" he said.

Oh okay! I felt a flutter in my chest, my heart racing at the prospect of going to Avyaan's flat. Alone. With him. But I pushed aside my reservations, telling myself it was just about the project. Yeah, right.

"Okay," I said finally, my voice firm.

We packed up our things and went towards my friends to inform them about me going to his flat. Aleena smirked while b

ella says "okay come back soon."

࣪ ִֶָ☾.

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Author Sakshi

Step into a world of desi romance, where love blooms and hearts soar ✨❤