Chapter 9 Cat and mouse


I slumped into the chair, my friends flanking me on either side. "Guys, I'm so dead," I moaned, burying my face in my hands.

Bella and Aleena exchanged a knowing glance. Bella snorted "Oh, Nitika, what have you done?"

We hatched a plan to retrieve the offending bag, tracking Avyaan to the cafeteria. As we watched from afar, Aleena and Bella nudged me forward. "Go get it, Nitika!" they whispered in unison.

I hesitated, "no no " my heart racing. "What will I say to him?" I whined, feeling my face flush.

But my friends were relentless, pushing me toward the table where Avyaan sat, his eyes fixed on me with an unreadable expression.

I approached him, my legs trembling. "Can I join you avyaan?" I asked, trying to sound casual.

Avyaan grunted a terse "no" his gaze never leaving mine.

What a jerk!

But still I sat down, my eyes fixed on the handbag, tantalizingly out of reach. I stuttered, my words tumbling out in a nervous jumble. "T-th-the th-thing i-is t-th-that...Iwantthatbag"

What the fuck are you speaking nitika?

Avyaan's stare was unyielding, his expression unchanging. Finally, he spoke, his voice firm but amused. "Speak properly, will you?"

My face burned, but I persisted, determined to rectify this embarrassing situation.

I took a deep breath and tried again, my words still shaky but slightly more coherent. "I-I need to get that handbag back."

Avyaan raised an eyebrow, his gaze never leaving mine. "And why should I give it back to you?"

I swallowed hard, my mind racing. "Because... because.... because it belongs to me?"

Avyaan chuckled, a low, husky sound that made my heart skip a beat. "But it's my tee right?" and he was about to look inside the bag which was kept on the table.

I felt my face flush, my embarrassment intensifying.

My heart skipped a beat as he began to open it. I knew I had to act fast. Without thinking, I screamed "Nooooo!!!!" and cupped his face, turning his gaze towards me.

My hands lingered on his cheeks for a moment before I realized what I had done and quickly released him.

Avyaan's eyes widened in shock, his face inches from mine. "What are you doing, Nitika?" he asked, his voice low.

My face burning with embarrassment. "I just want my bag back," I muttered, trying to compose myself.

Just then, Avyaan's phone rang, and he stood up, grabbing the bag. Oh finally!

I released a breath. I thought he would finally return it to me and I smiled, holding out my arms. But instead, he brushed past me without even a glance, leaving me feeling frustrated and confused.

This idiotic jerk.

I buried my face in my hands, my embarrassment and annoyance boiling over. Why was he being so stubborn about returning my bag? I sighed, my mind racing with questions.

I slumped back in my chair, my face burning with embarrassment. That's when I saw my friends, Bella and Aleena, rushing towards me, their faces etched with concern.

"Nitika, what happened?" Bella asked, her voice low and urgent.

I shook my head, feeling a mix of annoyance and humiliation. "He didn't give me the bag," I whispered, my eyes welling up with frustration.

Aleena's face palmed, her hand smacking her forehead. "Seriously? That guy is something else!"

Bella placed a comforting hand on my shoulder. "Don't worry, we'll get it. We'll figure something out."

But as I looked at my friends, I couldn't help but feel a sense of unease. What if he looks into it!!! I won't be able to face him.

"Girls follow me" aleena said dramatically.

I trailed behind my friends, our eyes fixed on Avyaan's retreating figure. We followed him at a safe distance, our hearts pounding in unison. As we turned a corner, we spotted him leaning against a wall, phone pressed to his ear, my handbag dangling from his hand.

And after a few seconds he hung up the call keeping his phone in his pocket. My friends exchanged a knowing glance, and Aleena nudged me forward. "Go get your bag, Nitika!"

I took a deep breath and approached Avyaan, my voice firm. "Avyaan, gimme that bag, please!"

Avyaan's eyes widened, his expression confused. "What's your problem?"  his hand dipping into the bag instead.

No no no don't!!!

But what he pulled out made my heart stop.

A bra.

The one I had accidentally given him earlier.

Time froze as our eyes met, both of us frozen in shock and embarrassment. I felt my face incinerate, my friends' gasps echoing in the background.

Avyaan's eyes widened in shock, his face a deep shade of crimson. He stared at the bra in his hand, his mind racing with confusion and embarrassment.

"What the...?!" he muttered, his voice barely audible.

He looked up to see me and my friends fleeing the scene, their laughter echoing through the hallway. Avyaan's face grew even redder, his embarrassment turning to mortification.

I could die in this moment. Urghhhhh!!!!!!

No nitika this isn't the time. Without a word, I snatched the bag from Avyaan's hand, shoved the bra back into it, and turned on my heel. I sprinted back to my friends, my face burning with humiliation.

We didn't stop running until we were back in the safety of our dorm room, the door locked behind us.

Only then did we dare to look at each other, our faces cracking into laughter. "Well, that was a disaster!" Bella choked out between giggles.

I shook my head, my embarrassment slowly giving way to amusement.

How will I face him now?


I stood there, frozen in disbelief, as Nitika and her friends fled the scene. My mind struggled to process what had just happened. One moment, we were bantering back and forth, and the next, she was cupping my face and diverting my attention from the bag.

I couldn't help but laugh at the absurdity of it all. "What just happened?" I wondered, shaking my head in disbelief.

I stood there, frozen in shock, as Nitika snatched her bag from the table and sprinted away with her friends. My mind raced to catch up with the sudden turn of events. One moment, we were locked in a tense standoff, and the next, she had outmaneuvered me and made off with her bag.

I couldn't help but laugh at her foolishness. "Such an idiot" I thought.

I watched as they disappeared into the crowd, feeling a twinge of disappointment that our encounter had ended so abruptly. But this wasn't the last I'd seen of Nitika. Our game of cat and mouse was far from over.

I revved up my bike, feeling the engine purr beneath me. As I pulled out of the parking lot.

As I sped down the highway, the wind rushing past me. I couldn't help but think about nitika. How idiot she is! How can someone hands- ugh whatever.


I stepped into my flat, feeling the weariness of the day melt away as I kicked off my shoes. A refreshing shower and a change into my trusty black riding gear - revitalized me. I was itching for an evening ride, and the thrill of capturing it for Instagram only added to the excitement.

As I headed to the elevator, I couldn't resist the urge to snap a quick selfie. I positioned myself in the reflection of the lift's mirror, helmet and all, and clicked a photo that showcased my rugged, ready-to-ride look. And posting it on Instagram as I made my way to my bike.

The evening air was alive with the hum of engines and the scent of freedom as I revved up my bike. I felt alive, the wind in my hair, the sun setting over the horizon. I hit the highway, the rush of adrenaline coursing through my veins as I began to shoot my reel. The thrill of the ride, the roar of the engine, the wind whipping past me - it was exhilaration personified.

I was one with my bike, the road, and the moment. And I knew my followers were in for a treat.

As I rode, the camera captured the thrill of the ride. I felt alive, free, and in my element. I weaved through traffic, the bike responding to my every move, and the engine purring smoothly.



I couldn't bear the thought of facing him. Two weeks had passed since the bra incident, and I had expertly avoided Avyaan like the flu. Every morning, I'd take the stairs instead of the elevator, just to avoid the possibility of running into him. I'd sit in the back of the class room during lectures, hiding behind my classmates to escape his gaze.

I trudged across campus, my eyes fixed on the pavement to avoid eye contact with him. I'd managed to dodge Avyaan in every lecture, seminar, and tutorial, always sitting in the back or slipping in late.

I'd even skipped our favorite coffee spot, opting for a different café on the other side of campus. It was exhausting, but I couldn't face him. Not yet.

As I walked to my next class, I spotted him ahead, chatting with karan outside the lecture hall. My heart skipped a beat. I quickly veered off course, taking a detour through the quad to avoid him.

The memories of that day still lingered, making my cheeks flush with embarrassment. I couldn't believe I'd let a bra show like that. And Avyaan, of all people, had seen it. The thought sent shivers down my spine.

I knew I couldn't avoid him forever, but for now, it was easier to hide. Maybe someday I'd find the courage to face him, to laugh it off and move on. But until then, I'd keep my distance.

As I was about to step inside, I wasn't watching where I was going and bumped into someone.

"Hello, miss?" a deep voice said, accompanied by a gentle chuckle.

I looked up, expecting to see someone around my height, but instead, I found myself gazing at a tall, handsome guy. He wasn't as tall as Avyaan, but still, I had to tilt my head up a little to meet his eyes.

"Oh, I'm so sorry!" I apologized, feeling my cheeks flush.

He flashed a flirtatious smile, his eyes crinkling at the corners. "Are you a fresher?"

I nodded nervously, feeling a little off-balance.

"I'm Atharva, from third year," he said, extending his hand.

"Uh, hi, I'm Nitika," I replied, shaking it, my hand feeling small in his.

"Cool, see you later, bye," he said with a wink, leaving me dumbstruck.

As he walked away, I couldn't help but think, "What was that?" I felt like I'd just been swept off my feet by a whirlwind.

I took a deep breath and stepped into the classroom, trying to shake off the encounter.

I slipped into my seat, trying to shake off the encounter with Atharva. Bella and Aleena, my friends and classmates, were already seated, chatting quietly.

"Nitika, do you know Atharva?" Bella asked, her eyes sparkling with curiosity.

I shook my head "No, I just bumped into him. Why are you asking?"

Aleena grinned mischievously. "He's our hot senior and plays football. All the girls swoon over him."

I raised an eyebrow, intrigued despite myself. "Oh?"

Bella leaned in, her voice conspiratorial. "Yeah, he's like a campus celebrity. And he's so charming and friendly, not like some of the other seniors who think they're above us."

I remembered Atharva's flirtatious smile and wink. I couldn't deny that I was a little impressed.

Aleena nudged me playfully. "You're so lucky to have bumped into him! Maybe he'll notice you now."

I rolled my eyes, laughing. "Yeah, right. I'm sure he's already forgotten about me."

But as I glanced around the classroom, I caught Avyaan's eye, and for a moment, I wondered if he had seen my encounter with Atharva. I felt a shiver run down my spine as our eyes met, and I quickly looked away, trying to focus on the lesson ahead.

࣪ ִֶָ☾.

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Author Sakshi

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