Chapter 11 Who's he


I groggily opened my eyes to the sound of my phone ringing. I reached over to my phone and picked it up, my voice husky with sleep.

"Good morning, Mumma...what's up? Why did you call so early?"

My mom's cheerful voice was a stark contrast to my sleepy tone. "Good afternoon not morning, beta! It's not early, it's 12 pm! Why are you still sleeping? Don't you want to go to university?"

I rubbed my eyes, trying to shake off the sleep. "First two lectures are off, Mumma...that's why we're still sleeping."

I could almost hear my mom's disapproving sigh through the phone. "Okay...but don't sleep too much. You have to study for your exams, and you can't waste the whole day sleeping."

I nodded, even though she couldn't see me. "I know, Mumma...."

My mom chuckled. "Okay, good. Anyway, I called your anita aunt yesterday, and I found out that Rishi is in your university!"

My heart skipped a beat as I suddenly sat up in bed. "Oh my god, Mumma ahhhh! How did I forget this? I already knew that...now he must be in second year, I guess..."

My mom laughed. "Yeah, you two were inseparable when you were kids. Call him and meet up! He'll help you with your studies too, since he's in the same course."

I couldn't help but smile as I thought about rishi he's just a year old than me. "Okay, Mumma, I'll call him. Thanks for reminding me!"

We chatted for a few more minutes before I hung up the call. I jumped out of bed, feeling a surge of excitement at the prospect of meeting rishi. I quickly dialed his number, grinning from ear to ear. How dumb am I!! How can I forget him.

I hadn't met him in ages, we just talked on call or chat and I couldn't wait to meet him. He picked up on the second ring, his voice warm and familiar.

"Niti! How are you?"

"I'm fine!! What about you? How's your studies going? Do you have a girlfriend or not yet?" I launched into a cheerful greeting, filling him in on my life, asking about his.

"Wait wait what???" He chuckled.

We chatted like no time had passed at all. But then I dropped a bombshell.

"Rishi, guess what? I'm in your university now!"

There was a pause, and for a moment, I wondered if the call had dropped. But then, Rishi's voice came back, laced with shock and excitement.

"What?! Niti, that's amazing! Why didn't you tell me earlier?!"

I laughed, feeling a thrill and surprising him. "I just found out myself, bro! Mum told me today. I couldn't wait to tell you."

Rishi's whoop of excitement echoed through the phone, and I couldn't help but grin.

I couldn't contain my laughter as I talked my giggles echoing through the dorm room. Aleena, who was still fast asleep, suddenly stirred, her voice groggy with sleep.

"Who the hell are you talking to like that?" she whined, snuggling deeper into her blanket.

I tried to compose myself, still chuckling. "Rishi, my friend from home."

Aleena opened one eye, then the other, her expression disapproving. "We will meet in our campus today, okay?" Rishi said.

"Okay okay" and we hung up.

I bounced onto Aleena's bed, excitement radiating from me. "Pick up your lazy ass, we need to get ready!"

Aleena groaned "Nitika, stop it! You're too loud."

But I was unstoppable. I turned to Bella, who was still sleeping peacefully. "And you, sleepyhead! Wake up, we have to get ready!"

Bella stirred, her eyes fluttering open. "What's going on?"

Aleena and I pounced on her, tickling and teasing her until she laughed and sat up. "Okay, okay, I'm up!"

The three of us collapsed into a fit of giggles, our dorm room filling with the sound of our laughter and chatter.

࣪ ִֶָ☾.

As I entered the campus, I was sipping my bubble tea while singing.

I don't know why I'm obsessed with bubble tea but it's just that I can't explain. I spotted Avyaan standing by the entrance, why is he here? I groaned internally and deliberately ignored him not wanting to ruin my mood. But, he caught up to me, frowning.

"Nitika," he said, his voice low and puzzled.

I turned, raising an eyebrow. "What?"

He stuttered, gesturing with his hands. "You! Why did y-you just...just..."

What is it?? I was taken aback. "Just what?"

He made a face, unreadable. "You just passed by me, saying nothing?"

I was stunned. Was he for real? He'd said he wasn't interested in me, that I wasn't his type. Now, he was asking why I'd ignored him?

I thought it better not to bring up yesterday's conversation.

Just then, my phone rang. Rishi! I saw his name flashing and a smile appeared on my lips.

"Where are you?" he asked.

I told him, and we agreed to meet. "Bye, I have important things to do" I said, sighing and turning away from him. I hurried towards the building, my excitement renewed.

Ignore avyaan!

As I entered, I spotted Rishi, his bright smile and sparkling eyes making my day.

Sheesh! I didn't expect him to be this tall. Like god why? Why is everyone tall. What's your problem??? I wished I had just a little more height. Anyways! I smiled and we hugged each other tightly.

"Niti, it's so great to see you!" he exclaimed, using my nickname.

"Rishi, I've missed you so much!" I replied, grinning from ear to ear.

"I missed you too" he said ruffling my hair. We sat down at a table, catching up on each other's lives. Our conversation flowed effortlessly, like no time had passed at all. I felt like I was home, with my brother, my friend, my confidant.

Rishi and I continued talking and giggling, lost in our own world. But then, Rishi's expression turned serious, and he nodded discreetly behind me.

"Niti, do you know that guy?" he asked, his voice low.

I turned, following his gaze, and my heart skipped a beat. Avyaan was standing there, his eyes fixed on us with a dark intensity. I frowned, wondering what was wrong with him.

"Ugh....ignore him," I said, turning back to Rishi, trying to brush it off.

But Rishi's curiosity was piqued. "He's glaring at us, it's weird," he said, his eyes narrowing.

I sighed, not wanting to make a big deal out of it. "Just ignore him, Rishi. Let's focus on catching up."

Rishi nodded, but his eyes kept drifting back to Avyaan, who still hadn't looked away. I could sense Rishi's unease, but I didn't want to acknowledge Avyaan's strange behavior.

"Hey, let's get out of here," I suggested, grabbing Rishi's arm. "Let's go grab some coffee or something."

Rishi agreed, and we left from there, Avyaan's piercing gaze following us until we disappeared from sight. Why is he acting so weird ah whatever.

I shivered, despite myself, wondering what had gotten into him.


I watched as Nitika and that guy whoever he is walked away, their laughter and chatter fading into the distance. My eyes lingered on Nitika's smile, and for a moment, I felt a pang of...something. I couldn't quite place it.

Who is he? Her friend? Bestfriend? Boyfriend? No!!!! I shook my head, trying to clear the fog. What is wrong with me? I had made it clear to Nitika that I wasn't interested, that she wasn't my type. So why was I still drawn to her?

I turned to leave, but my feet felt heavy, as if rooted to the spot. I found myself wondering who he was, and what their relationship was like.

I gritted my teeth, annoyed with myself. Why did I care? I had no right to be curious about Nitika's life.

I couldn't shake off the feeling that I had missed something, that I had let something slip through my fingers. And it nagged at me, like a constant hum in the back of my mind.

As I walked away, I couldn't help but feel a growing sense of unease. Why was Nitika laughing and smiling with him like that? They seemed so comfortable together, so at ease.

I felt a pang of jealousy, which I quickly tried to suppress. I had no right to be jealous. I had made it clear to Nitika that I wasn't interested.

But the feeling only intensified as I watched them from afar, seeing how he touched her arm, how she playfully hit him on the shoulder. It was like they were in their own little world, and I was just a bystander.

The thought made my stomach twist with discomfort.

Why was I reacting like this? I didn't care about Nitika, not really. But the thought of her with someone else, laughing and smiling with someone else, made me feel...off.

࣪ ִֶָ☾.

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Author Sakshi

Step into a world of desi romance, where love blooms and hearts soar ✨❤