Chapter 12 Follow Request


I flopped onto my bed, phone in hand, and opened Instagram. Scrolling through my feed, my heart skipped a beat as I saw my favorite biker's new reel. He had posted it just a few hours ago, and I couldn't believe I had missed it as always.

I clicked on the reel, and my jaw dropped. He was wearing a formal black shirt with rolled sleeves, showcasing his veiny hands. I watched the reel again and again, my excitement growing with each view.

As I opened the comment section, I was met with a sea of flirty comments from girls obsessing over him.

On a whim, I decided to comment, thinking he wouldn't even notice because there are a lot of comments. Yes! He wouldn't notice it and i let my intrusive thoughts win. "Girls, stop drooling over him, he's my boyfriend" I typed, grinning mischievously.

I posted the comment and burst out laughing. It was a silly thing to do, but I couldn't help myself. I felt like I was staking my claim, even though I knew it was just a fantasy.

As I lay there, my phone buzzed with notifications. I wondered if anyone had responded to my comment. My heart skipped a beat and my jaw dropped as I saw his response: "Oh, really? Then where's my goodnight kiss baby?"

He pinned my comment and replied too???? Omfg he called me baby!!!

My face flushed, and I couldn't believe he had actually noticed my comment.

I couldn't contain my excitement as I screamed, "GUYSSSS, I CAN'T BELIEVE IT!" My friends, Bella and Aleena, jolted awake, rubbing their sleepy eyes as it was literally midnight and I'm fucking blushing and twirling over a reply. I twirled around the room, my heart racing like a jackrabbit. I had to share the news with them, had to make sure I wasn't dreaming.

I rushed to Bella, my face alight with a goofy grin. "Pinch me, girl! I think I'm in a dream or something!" I begged. "What happened?" Bella chuckled and obliged, her fingers sinking into my arm. I yelped in surprise, but my smile never wavered.

Aleena, still groggy, beckoned me closer. "Idhar aa, Niti." I hastened to her side, my phone still clutched in my hand. As I approached, she pinched my arm, a bit too hard. I winced, rubbing the sore spot.

"Are khebdi, itna jor se nahi karna tha!" I complained, laughing. Aleena's eyes sparkled with amusement.

"Ok, whatever, listen... HE FOLLOWED ME!!!" I announced, my voice trembling with excitement.

"Ahh, Nitika, tell directly now whom do you mean by HE?!" aleena urged, tossing aside her covers.

I took a deep breath, savoring the moment. "Him, my favorite biker!" Aleena's eyes went wide, and she sat up straight, her sleepiness forgotten.

"OMG, what? That hot biker, who has so many followers?" Bella's voice was laced with awe.

I nodded vigorously, my smile still plastered on my face. "Yes, yes! The same one! Can you believe it? He followed ME!"

Bella and Aleena exchanged a stunned glance, and then they both burst into cheers and applause. We spent the rest of the night squealing, analyzing every possible reason behind' follow.


I settled into my couch, scrolling through the comments on my latest reel. The usual praise and admiration from my followers - until one comment caught my eye. Nitika's name popped up, and my heart skipped a beat.

"Gurls stop drooling over him, he's my boyfriend," she commented, her words bold and playful.

I felt my face heat up, my cheeks burning with a flush. "Don't blush, you can't blush, boy, don't blush," I muttered to myself, trying to compose myself. But it was too late. I was already blushing, my face on fire.

I couldn't help but smile as I read her comment again. She was claiming me as her own, and I don't know why but it felt amazing.

I decided to pin her comment, making it the top comment on my reel. And then, I replied, a smirk spreading across my face.

"Oh really? Then where is my goodnight kiss, baby?" I typed, my fingers flying across the screen.

As I posted my reply, I watched as the comments started pouring in a few minutes. "For real?" "He has a girlfriend?" "Is this a prank?" "No way, he's mine!"

I chuckled, enjoying the drama unfolding before me. But then, I decided to take it a step further. I sent Nitika a follow request.

As her account is private, she has 1050 followers and 100 following. I wonder whom she follows? Ha! I'll get to know that soon.

Let's see how she handles the attention, I thought, a mischievous glint in my eye.

This was going to be fun - teasing Nitika, watching her squirm, and seeing how she'd react to the attention.

࣪ ִֶָ☾.


My alarm buzzed, piercing the air, and I groggily reached for my phone to silence it. I snoozed it, rolling over and burying my face in the pillow. Ten minutes passed, and the alarm buzzed again. I snoozed it once more, too tired to care.

But when it buzzed for the third time, I knew I had to wake up. It's saturday and no college today but we had some plans to do. Last night's late sleep was catching up with me. I tossed my phone aside and got out of bed, staggering to the bathroom to brush my teeth. I splashed cold water on my face, and instantly, my sleepiness flew away.

As I brushed my teeth, I heard Aleena and Bella stirring. Bella poked her head into the bathroom. "Hey, babes, I'm going to get breakfast."

I smiled, my mouth full of toothpaste. Aleena enters yawning. "I'm going to take a bath."

I nodded, finishing my brushing and emerge out from the bathroom. I decided to call my mom, but as I picked up my phone, my eyes widened in shock. My notifications were blowing up - 500 follower requests and countless replies on my comment.

My mind racing, I quickly opened Instagram, my heart pounding in my chest. The comments section was flooded with messages, all asking about my relationship with him like he hasn't revealed his name yet. I couldn't believe it. Last night's playful comment had sparked a frenzy.

I sat down on my bed, my phone trembling in my hands. What had I gotten myself into? I thought, a mix of excitement and nervousness swirling inside me.

This was getting interesting.

I couldn't help but laugh at the replies flooding my Instagram comments section. People were going wild, speculating about the biker and me. "He's followed her!"

"He replied to her! He pinned her comment! There must be something between them!"

The comments were endless, and I found myself giggling uncontrollably.

Just then, Aleena emerged from the bathroom, a towel wrapped around her hair. "What's so funny, Niti?" she asked, curiosity etched on her face.

I held out my phone, still chuckling. "Look at this!" I said, showing her the comments.

Aleena's eyes widened as she scanned the screen. "Oh my god, this is crazy!" she exclaimed, her eyes sparkling with amusement.

We both sat down on the bed, poring over the comments, our giggles growing louder. "Ahh, it's true???!" we read, our voices overlapping in unison.

Bella walked in with breakfast pastries and coffee. "What's going on?" she asked, eyeing my phone.

Aleena handed her the phone, still grinning. "Niti's account is blowing up!"

Bella's eyes scanned the screen, and she let out a squeal. "This is insane!"

The three of us dissolved into a fit of laughter, our morning suddenly transformed into a hilarious, gossip-filled session. As we devoured our breakfast, our conversation revolved.

One comment, one reply, and suddenly, I was the center of attention.

࣪ ִֶָ☾.

I gazed around our dorm room, taking in the mess we'd accumulated over the week. "Guys, let's clean up this place," I suggested, and Bella and Aleena nodded in agreement. 

We spent the morning tidying up, laughing and chatting as we worked. Finally, our room was spotless, and Aleena let out a dramatic groan. "I'm starving now!"

Bella smiled. "Let's make ramen!"

My eyes lit up. I was a ramen fanatic.  We headed to the kitchen, and I hopped onto the counter, watching as Bella boiled water and Aleena tore open a packet then another.

Aleena began to ramble on about her favorite series , using over-the-top gestures and voices. I listened, giggling at her antics. She was always so dramatic, and it was infectious.

Bella chuckled, shaking her head good-naturedly. But Aleena continued, undeterred. "And then, the main character did this crazy thing...!"

I laughed, feeling carefree. This was what I loved about our little group – we balanced each other out. Bella was the mature one, always keeping us in check. Aleena was the wild child, bringing laughter and excitement. And I fell somewhere in between, a bit of a goofball but also a bit of a worrier.

As we cooked, our conversation flowed easily, covering everything from college gossip. As the ramen got ready, I hopped down from the counter, excited to dig in. I grabbed three bowls and Bella expertly served the steaming hot ramen into them. Aleena pulled out forks and placed them in the bowls.

We carried our bowls to the small table in our dorm room, and Aleena was about to take her first bite when I cried out, "Oye, wait! Let me take a pic!"

I stuck out my tongue, and Aleena smiled, "Okay!"

I snapped a quick photo of our delicious ramen. I posted it on my Instagram story with a catchy caption Ramen!

Bella chuckled. "You and your food pics, Niti."

I grinned. "What can I say?"

We finally took our first bites, and the flavors exploded in our mouths. As we savored the ramen, Bella suggested, "Guys, we should go shopping today!" 

Aleena and I exchanged excited glances. "Yes, yes, yes!" we chimed in unison.

I clapped my hands, my eyes sparkling. "I need new shoes, and we can grab lunch at that new cafe that just opened up!"

"And I need a new phone case, and we can window shop at the mall!" Aleena said.

Bella smiled, her eyes warm. "Sounds like a plan to me. Let's get ready and head out!"

As we finished our ramen, we began to get ready. Aleena started rummaging through her closet, searching for the perfect outfit. And i decided to wear a red kurti today.

"You're wearing a kurti? ohh then I'll wear too hehehe!" Aleena turns glancing at me. "Okay okay" I said with a smile.

Bella headed to the bathroom to style her hair, while I jumped onto my bed to scroll through my phone.

I checked my Instagram story, seeing that my ramen pic had already gotten a few likes. I smiled, feeling happy then my heart skipped a beat as I saw his I'd. He viewed my story? OMG!

Aleena got ready looking fabulous in a bright yellow kurti, "What do you guys think? Should I wear this?"

Bella emerged from the bathroom wearing black kurti, her hair looking great. "You look amazing" she said.

I nodded in agreement, tossing my phone aside. "Yeah"

We took a quick selfie together, laughing and joking as we headed out the door. Our dorm room was quickly forgotten as we set off into the bright sunlight, ready to take on the day.

As we walked to the mall, the excitement was palpable. O ur laughter echoed through the streets, drawing smiles from passersby.

At the mall, we hit our favorite stores, trying on clothes and accessories. Aleena found the perfect phone case, and I scored an amazing pair of sneakers. Bella treated herself to a beautiful necklace, and we all left feeling satisfied and happy.

We walked into the newly opened cafe, and our eyes widened in unison. The aesthetic appearance was mesmerizing - pastel colors, vintage decor, and plush sofas. I quickly snapped a photo of a beautiful corner and posted it on my story.

We settled in, ordering our pasta and pizza, and savored every bite. Aleena suddenly piped up, "I think we should go clubbing tonight!"

Bella glanced at her, a hint of hesitation in her eyes. "No."

I furrowed my brows, curious. "Why?"

Bella's expression turned serious. "Because last time, when you weren't here, we went to a club and got late and because of the hostel curfew. We had to stay at a hotel, and Aleena was...drunk. Only I know how I handled everything."

Aleena looked sheepish, but then her face brightened. "Bella baby, I said sorry 100th times! I won't drink this time, please."

I nodded in agreement, and after a few minutes, Aleena managed to convince Bella. And we decided to go clubbing tonight.

Just as we were celebrating, the door swung open, and guess who showed up?

Karan and Avyaan walked in. Aleena's eyes lit up, and she waved enthusiastically. Ye extrovert ki keedi!

Bella turned bright red, gazing at Karan, while I felt my face heat up, wanting to hide. Avyaan's eyes met mine and we made eye contact for 10 seconds which made my heart skip a beat.

I face-palmed internally - why was he here? Aleena beckoned them over, and they sat nearby. Karan, aleena and Bella chatted animatedly, while Avyaan and I sat in awkward silence.

"Guys we are going to clubbing tonight wanna join us?"

Aleena mentioned the party and invited them to join. Karan agreed, and Bella's face lit up. But Avyaan shook his head, declining.

"I'm not interested" As expected. Jerk!

I gazed at Avyaan, my eyes fixed on his chiseled features. Karan and Aleena were trying to convince him to join us for clubbing, but he shook his head, his expression unyielding.

Bella chimed in, "Come on, Avyaan, it'll be fun."

Avyaan's eyes met mine, and I felt a jolt. I looked away, trying to compose myself, but my gaze drifted back to him.

My phone buzzed on my lap, Rishi's name flashing on the screen. I smiled and picked it up. My voice barely above a whisper. "Hey"

Avyaan noticed my smile, his eyes narrowing slightly. I felt a flush rise to my cheeks, wondering what he thought.

Karan persisted, "Avyaan, man, you can't miss this! It'll be a blast!"

But Avyaan remained firm, his jaw set. "I'm not interested, guys. You have fun without me."

Aleena pouted, "Fine, party pooper!"

Bella playfully rolled her eyes. "We'll have to make do without him, then."

࣪ ִֶָ☾.


I watched as Nitika's face lit up with a smile, her eyes sparkling as she glanced at her phone. She was clearly excited about the call, and my curiosity piqued, I wondered who could be making her so happy.

As I gazed at her, I felt a pang of...something. I wasn't quite sure what it was, but I knew I didn't like it. She was smiling, laughing, and it wasn't at anything I'd said. It was because of someone else, someone on the other end of that phone call.

I felt a surge of possessiveness, which I quickly suppressed. What was wrong with me? I didn't own Nitika, and she didn't belong to me.

Karan and Aleena were still trying to convince me to join them for clubbing, but my attention was fixed on Nitika. She was chatting away, her words barely audible, but her laughter was music to my ears.

Bella caught my eye, raising an eyebrow in amusement. I shook my head, trying to focus on the conversation, but my gaze kept drifting back to Nitika.

As I gazed at Nitika, I noticed something I hadn't before - she was wearing ethnic attire, and the red color suited her perfectly. The vibrant hue brought out the warmth in her skin, and her brown hair cascaded down her back like a waterfall. She looked stunning.

My attention was drawn to her conversation, and I caught the tail end of her question. "Rishi, we're going for clubbing, wanna join us tonight?"

My ears perked up at the name - Rishi. The same person she was smiling at just moments ago.

"Guys, Rishi will join us!" she announced.

Aleena and Bella showed their enthusiasm with thumbs-ups, and Nitika continued her call, oblivious to my growing unease.

That bastard Rishi would join them? My mind seethed with a sudden surge of possessiveness.

But something about the situation didn't sit well with me. I realized, with a jolt, that I had made a mistake by denying the offer to join them. Now, I had to go.

I turned around, my eyes locking onto Nitika's radiant face. I would join them, and I would make sure to keep an eye on her - and Rishi.

"Wait, I changed my mind," I said, my voice firm. "I'm coming with you guys tonight."

The group turned to me, surprised, and karan said "Really? Welcome back, Avyaan!"

I forced a smile, my mind racing with the implications of my decision.

࣪ ִֶָ☾.

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Author Sakshi

Step into a world of desi romance, where love blooms and hearts soar ✨❤